Welcome to Ascension Parish Parksville!

Are you new to our parish?
We would love to hear from you. 
Please complete the new member card or contact the parish office.
Administrator: Fr. Thomas Chinnappa
Rectory Telephone: ascensionpastor@shaw.ca
Administrative Assistant: Juliet Mallillin

Sunday: 8:30am and 10:30am
Tuesday: 6pm
Wednesday to Friday: 9am
Saturday: 5pm
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 2:30pm (closed 12:30 to 1:00)
Pastor Office Telephone: (250) 248-3747
Address: 887 Wembly Road, Parksville BC V9P2E6

Diocese of Victoria  Live- Streamed Mass

Adoration: Holy Hour TBA
Baptism Inquiries: Please contact the Baptism Team or the parish office.
Bulletin:All submissions should be in writing no later than noon on Wednesday
Funerals: Please contact the Pastor or Funeral Coordinator.
Marriages: By appointment with the pastor; Contact parish office six months before the intended marriage date.
Reconciliation: By appointment or Saturday 4-4:30pm
Visitation: Please notify the parish office when hospitalized.
Ascension Lay Team
Adoration... Tuesdays, 5:00pm to 6:00pm 
Altar Server Coordinator... Paul Tellier, 250-586-5741  
Baptism Team… , 250-248-3747  
Bible Study… Volunteer Required
Bldg & Maintenance Com250-248-3747  
C. W. L… Sandra Digras, 250-954-1991
Children’s Liturgy… Amanda Sapieha, 250-586-3180  
Children’s Rel Ed… Alan Cavin,  778-268-2245
Extraordinary Minister... Joyce Lamb, 250-848-4919 
Finance Council Vice-Chair...James Lewis, 250-248-3747
Flowers... Sharon Doucette, 250-228-8774 
Funerals...Viola Cyr, 250-248-3747 
Greeters & Ushers... Sandy Fraser, 250-752-4755
Knights of Columbus… Paul Tellier, 250-586-5741  
Lectors… Joyce Lamb, 604-848-4919  
Library Committee… Ron McClelland, 250-248-9130  
Liturgy Committee… Penny Cowan, 250-594-7497
                                      Kathleen Haverly 250-738-0242 
Ministry for the Sick… Cathy Coldham, 250-586-6654  
Ministry to Nursing Homes... Christine Legault, 250-594-9130  
New Comers… Barbara Potter, 250-594-8079
Pastoral Council Chair… Ronald (Rum) Hykaway 250-616-3452 
R.C.I.A… Charlie Whelton, 250-752-0547  
Social Justice Team… Yvonne Zarowny, 250-752-3870 
Youth Ministry… Matthew Morrison, 250-248-3747 


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